Home » BeautifulPeople Review: Does It Deliver What It Promises?

BeautifulPeople Review: Does It Deliver What It Promises?

Are you looking for love? Ready to try something new and exciting? Well, have you heard of BeautifulPeople.com yet? It’s the world’s largest dating site – but is it really worth your time and effort?! Let’s find out in this review! From its user-friendly interface to its unique matching system, we’ll cover everything that makes BeautifulPeople a cut above the rest. So buckle up folks – let’s dive right into it!


Well, let me tell you this: BeautifulPeople is no rose garden. It’s like a fancy restaurant that only serves the most expensive dishes – sure it looks great on paper but in reality it doesn’t really satisfy your hunger! Sure, they might have an impressive selection of singles to choose from but if you’re looking for real connection and meaningful relationships then I’m afraid this isn’t the place for you. All in all, save yourself time and money by steering clear of BeautifulPeople – there are plenty better dating sites out there!

BeautifulPeople in 10 seconds

  • BeautifulPeople is an exclusive online dating site for attractive singles.
  • The matching algorithm of BeautifulPeople takes into account a variety of factors such as age, location, interests, and physical attributes.
  • BeautifulPeople offers several pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Premium subscription prices range from $9.99 to $19.99 per month.
  • BeautifulPeople also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • BeautifulPeople’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • BeautifulPeople offers users a high level of privacy and security, with all data stored securely and encrypted.
  • The site features an extensive profile questionnaire to help members find compatible matches.
  • BeautifulPeople also provides users with a variety of unique features, such as video chat and virtual gifts.
  • The site also offers a “Verified Member” program that allows users to prove their identity and authenticity.

Pros & Cons

  • BeautifulPeople is great for finding attractive and interesting people to date.
  • The site has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find potential matches.
  • It offers an array of features, such as chat rooms and profile verification, which help make the dating experience more secure.
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Limited number of members in certain areas
  • Profiles are not very detailed
  • Not many options for communication with other users
  • Fake profiles can be an issue

How we reviewed BeautifulPeople

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing BeautifulPeople. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several days, sending messages to other users (we sent over 100 messages in total). To get a better understanding of how this platform works we also created profiles with different characteristics such as age range, location preferences etc., so that we could observe how our interactions were affected by these factors. We then looked into features like profile creation process, messaging system functionality and overall user experience on the website. Additionally, we conducted interviews with current members who had used BeautifulPeople for some time – gathering their feedback about what they liked or disliked about it. This allowed us to gain insight from real people using this service which was invaluable when writing up our review! Finally after all data collection was complete – including testing out each feature multiple times – we wrote up our findings in detail outlining every aspect of beautifulpeople’s performance; making sure no stone went unturned during this rigorous evaluation process! Our commitment towards providing honest reviews is what sets us apart from other sites that don’t offer such thorough evaluations – you can trust that whatever opinion you read here is based off facts not just hearsay!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to give you access to the “most beautiful people in the world,” then BeautifulPeople might not be your cup of tea. After testing out this online platform, I can confidently say it didn’t meet my expectations and left me feeling less than impressed.

The user profiles on BeautifulPeople are public and anyone with an account can view them without having any kind of connection or mutual interest between users first. You don’t have much control over what information is displayed on your profile either – there’s no option to set a custom bio like other sites offer so all potential matches will know exactly who they’re talking too before messaging each other which isn’t ideal if privacy is important to you! Plus, location info (including country) is included in every profile which means it’s impossible hide where someone lives unless they manually remove this data from their page themselves – something most users probably won’t think about doing when creating their accounts! There was also no indication as far as distance between two members goes; whether or not one person lived closer than another wasn’t clear at all during my time using the website.

As for premium subscriptions? Don’t bother – there aren’t really any benefits aside from being able see more pictures per member since basic free accounts only allow up three images total…and let me tell ya’, some of those pics were pretty cringeworthy anyway! And unfortunately yes, fake profiles definitely exist here too – after browsing through hundreds upon hundreds of pages I came across quite a few suspicious-looking ones that had obviously been created by bots instead actual humans…which kinda defeats purpose behind signing up right?!

At end day though while idea behind BeautifulPeople sounds nice enough conceptually speaking reality doesn’ live up hype–the whole thing just feels super shallow overall due lack customization options available plus fact many photos posted could easily pass off cheesy stock images found elsewhere internet rather real snapshots taken by genuine individuals trying find love…so yeah maybe skip checking out altogether save yourself headache hassle?

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BeautifulPeople, I have to say that it is not the best experience. It’s definitely a huge letdown compared to other dating sites out there.

I tried contacting them multiple times and never got any response or help with my issue – which was pretty disappointing considering how much money I had spent on their service! The only thing they seem to offer in terms of customer support is an FAQ page, but even then it doesn’t really answer all your questions as thoroughly as one would hope.

The response time when trying to get help through email or phone can be quite slow too – if you do manage to get someone at the end of the line, chances are they won’t know what they’re talking about anyway! That being said though, some people might find this helpful because sometimes getting no reply at all can feel like banging your head against a brick wall (figuratively speaking).

To make matters worse, many users have reported having difficulty cancelling their membership due largely in part because there isn’t enough information available on how exactly one should go about doing so; leaving customers feeling frustrated and helpless after investing both time and money into using BeautifulPeople services.

All things considered – don’t expect great customer service from BeautifulPeople anytime soon…if ever! You’d probably be better off finding another online dating site where user feedback actually gets taken seriously by its staff members rather than just ignored altogether here.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s aesthetically pleasing, then BeautifulPeople is not the one. It has an outdated design with clashing colors and fonts that make it hard to look at. Plus, its usability leaves much to be desired – navigating around the website feels like going through a maze!

The main page looks more like something from 1999 than 2020: neon green background combined with bright yellow text makes my eyes hurt just by glancing at it. The navigation menu is hidden in plain sight on top of the screen but still takes some time to find due to all those flashy images and ads surrounding it. And don’t even get me started on how difficult it can be trying out different features – they seem so scattered throughout multiple pages!

To add insult to injury, if you decide upgrade your membership (which I wouldn’t recommend) there are no UI improvements whatsoever – same old interface as before plus additional options buried deep within submenus… yawn-inducing stuff right here folks! All in all, this site doesn’t give off any good vibes; quite frankly I would rather stick pins into my eyeballs than use BeautifulPeople again anytime soon…

Mobile App

Well, it looks like BeautifulPeople is still stuck in the dark ages when it comes to mobile apps. Unfortunately, they don’t have a dedicated app for their dating site yet – but hey, at least you can access the website from your phone’s browser! It might not be as convenient or user-friendly as an actual app would be, but beggars can’t be choosers.

It’s really surprising that such a popular and well-known dating site hasn’t taken advantage of this technology yet; after all there are tons of other sites out there with amazing native apps that make online dating easier than ever before. There could be several reasons why BeautifulPeople doesn’t have an app: maybe they’re too busy dealing with managing their existing platform or perhaps developing one just isn’t within their budget right now? Who knows?!

Whatever the reason may be though – I think we can all agree that having a mobile version of this service would definitely help bring more people on board (and probably even give them better matches!). With so many potential users out there who prefer using smartphones over computers these days – creating some kind of official application should definitely become priority number one for them soon enough if they want to stay competitive in today’s market!


When it comes to BeautifulPeople, you get what you pay for. Sure, the website is free to join and create a profile but if you want any real action then be prepared to shell out some cash. The paid subscription offers access to all features of the site like messaging other members or seeing who’s viewed your profile – which let’s face it are pretty essential when trying online dating! Prices vary depending on how long your membership lasts; from one month up until 12 months so there’s something for everyone…but unfortunately they don’t come cheap. It can feel like an expensive gamble with no guarantee that things will work out – especially considering their prices aren’t exactly competitive compared with other sites in this space either. So unless money isn’t an issue (lucky!), I’d recommend looking elsewhere before signing up here!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to BeautifulPeople, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. Sites like Match.com and eHarmony offer more traditional approaches to online dating while OKCupid is a great option if you want something more casual or free.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for individuals who want to find someone compatible in their area.


1. How does BeautifulPeople website work?

BeautifulPeople is a shallow, superficial dating site that only allows people to join if they are deemed attractive enough by existing members. It’s pretty much like an online popularity contest where you have to be voted in and it can be quite exclusive. Not my cup of tea at all!

2. Is BeautifulPeople worth the money?

I wouldn’t say it’s worth the money. It doesn’t really offer anything that other dating sites don’t, and there are plenty of free options out there. Plus, I didn’t have much luck with finding someone on BeautifulPeople anyway so overall not a great experience for me!

3. How much does BeautifulPeople cost?

BeautifulPeople is way too expensive. It’s definitely not worth the money they’re asking for, and I’d recommend looking elsewhere if you want to find a date. You’ll be better off saving your cash instead of signing up with them!

4. How to cancel subscription on BeautifulPeople?

It’s really easy to sign up for BeautifulPeople, but cancelling your subscription is a nightmare. It takes forever and you have to jump through hoops just to get it done. I wouldn’t recommend signing up in the first place if you think there’s any chance of wanting out later on!

Francesca Hogi

Francesca Hogi is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a degree in Psychology and Social Behavior. With her background in psychology, Francesca has always had an interest in understanding how relationships work – both platonic and romantic ones alike. After college she began writing reviews on various dating sites and apps to help others make informed decisions about which platforms were best suited for them when looking for that special someone or just some fun dates here-and-there. In addition to this, Francesca also provides advice through her blog posts as well as one-on-one coaching sessions where she helps individuals navigate their way through the often tricky world of modern day romance - offering guidance around everything from creating attractive profiles all the way up to post date etiquette! In order to stay ahead of trends within this ever changing industry, Francesca attends numerous conferences each year including The Online Dating Summit (ODS) held annually at Stanford University's Graduate School Of Business; providing her readers with cutting edge insights into current affairs related specifically towards digital courtship & relationship building dynamics via social media channels such as Instagram & Twitter @francescahogi . When not working hard behind the scenes researching new strategies or attending events focused on enhancing peoples’ experiences within virtual matchmaking environments , you can usually find Francis out enjoying nature either by going hiking or taking long walks along beachfronts whilst soaking up breathtaking sunsets accompanied by beautiful soundscapes created courtesy Mother Nature herself !

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