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Laura Richer

Laura Richer is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She was born in the Midwest, but now lives on the West Coast with her family. Growing up, she had always dreamed of becoming a professional matchmaker – so when she graduated from college with degrees in psychology and sociology, it seemed like destiny that this would be her career path! Her passion for understanding relationships led Laura to explore various aspects of online dating: how different sites work; what features they offer; their pros and cons; as well as any tips or tricks to make sure you get the most out of your experience. With all this knowledge at hand, Laura decided to use her expertise by writing reviews about these services - giving readers an honest insight into each platform before signing up themselves. In addition to being an experienced reviewer on popular websites such as Matchdotcom or Tinder Plus+, Laura also offers advice via blogs and social media posts which help guide users through potential pitfalls associated with digital romance - whether it’s navigating long-distance relationships or avoiding scammers altogether! Her mission is simple: To ensure everyone finds true happiness within our ever-changing world of technology driven connections…and we think she's doing just that!