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loveswans: Is It The Right Choice For You?

Are you looking for love? Are you ready to take a chance on finding your soulmate online? If so, then LoveSwans might be the perfect dating site for you! With its unique features and innovative approach to matchmaking, this popular platform has been helping singles find their happily ever afters since 2013. But is it really worth signing up for or should users look elsewhere? Read our review of LoveSwans and find out if it’s the right choice for your romantic needs!


Loveswans is like a bad blind date – you never know what you’re gonna get! It’s not worth the time or money. The profiles are often fake, and even if they’re real it can be hard to tell because there’s no way to verify them. Plus, most of the matches don’t seem very interested in actually meeting up with anyone. All in all, I’d say loveswans isn’t worth your while – better luck elsewhere!

loveswans in 10 seconds

  • LoveSwans is an international dating site that helps singles find their perfect match.
  • The matching algorithm uses a range of criteria to suggest compatible matches.
  • Pricing options include a one-time payment or monthly subscription plans.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $9.99 per month, $19.99 for three months, and $44.97 for 12 months.
  • LoveSwans has an app available on both the App Store and Google Play.
  • Compared to other dating sites, LoveSwans is moderately priced.
  • LoveSwans offers a secure and private environment with advanced encryption technology.
  • Members can verify their profiles with ID documents to increase trustworthiness.
  • The site also provides translation services for members who speak different languages.
  • LoveSwans also offers a gift delivery service, allowing members to send real gifts to each other.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • There are lots of verified profiles with real people looking for love.
  • The customer service team is friendly and helpful.
  • Limited search options for free users.
  • Lack of profile verification process.
  • No mobile app available yet.
  • Many inactive profiles on the site.
  • Unclear pricing structure and payment methods accepted by LoveSwans website.

How we reviewed loveswans

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into loveswans. We tested both the free and paid versions of this site by sending out messages to other users – we sent over 100 messages in total! This process was done over several days so that we could get an accurate picture of how well it works. We also looked at all the features available on loveswans, such as its search function, messaging system and profile creation tools. We then compared these features with those offered by similar sites to see if there were any differences or improvements that could be made. Finally, our review included feedback from actual users who had used loveswans for their own romantic pursuits – which gave us valuable insight into what people think about this service overall! At every step along the way we committed ourselves to providing a thorough assessment of likeswans – something you won’t find on many other review sites where they simply give a quick overview without really delving deeper into how things work in practice!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from loveswans, then I suggest you look elsewhere. The “support” on this dating site is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. From my experience, it takes ages to get any response and when they do respond it’s usually not satisfactory or even relevant to the issue at hand!

I’ve contacted them multiple times in the past with various issues and all I got was radio silence – no response whatsoever! And if by some miracle they did reply, their answers were often unhelpful or just plain wrong. It makes me wonder why anyone would bother having a ‘Support’ page on their website if there isn’t actually anybody manning it? It doesn’t help that there are hardly any FAQs either – so don’t expect much guidance here either way. In fact, your best bet might be searching through Google for an answer before reaching out to loveswans Support because chances are someone else has already had the same problem…and maybe even found a solution too! That being said though…don’t hold your breath waiting for an actual human-being from Loveswans Support team getting back to you anytime soon (if ever).

Signing up

If you’re looking to get your love life going, then Loveswans is the place for you! Registration on this dating site isn’t a hassle at all. All it takes is just a few clicks and bam – before you know it, your profile will be up and running in no time. First things first: make sure that if you want to join Loveswans,you have reached the minimum age of 18 years old (which I think we can all agree makes sense). Once that’s taken care of, head over to their website and click ‘Register’. You’ll be asked for some basic information like name or email address; nothing too invasive so don’t worry about privacy concerns here. After filling out those details correctly (double-check them!), hit submit – easy peasy! Now comes the fun part where they ask what kind of person are you looking for? Here’s where being honest pays off because after answering these questions honestly according to your preferences; loveswans will do its magic by suggesting potential matches based on what was provided during registration process which saves tons of time compared with other sites out there. It also gives an insight into how serious users take online dating as well as keeping away scammers from signing up in general since everything has been verified beforehand.

Once completed successfully,the final step would involve confirming via e-mail sent by loveswan itself followed by uploading pictures if desired but not mandatory though recommended.And lastly,it’s free! So why wait? Get started today!

  • These are the items you will need to register on LoveSwans:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your country of residence
  • Your zip code
  • A password for your account
  • An agreement to the Terms and Conditions

Design & Usability

LoveSwans is a dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. Unfortunately, the design and usability of this website leave much to be desired. From its garish colors to its clunky interface, LoveSwans looks like it was designed in the early 2000s – and hasn’t been updated since!

The color scheme is particularly unappealing; there’s an off-putting combination of bright pink, purple and blue which makes for quite an eyesore. The font choices are equally dated: from large bold text with no styling options at all through to small serif fonts which look out of place on a modern web page. As if that wasn’t bad enough, many elements seem misaligned or squashed together making them difficult (or even impossible) to read properly – not ideal when you’re trying make meaningful connections online!

When it comes down usability though things don’t get any better either; navigation around the site feels sluggish as pages take forever load up due their heavy graphics content – I can only imagine how long they must take on mobile devices… It doesn’t help matters either that some key features such as profile editing require multiple clicks before they appear so users have plenty time think about whether this really worth their while after all? Even then most functions feel limited compared what else available elsewhere these days…

Sadly purchasing premium membership won’t do anything improve user experience here either; aside from unlocking more advanced search filters everything remains exactly same visually speaking anyway.. So unless you desperate jump into bed with someone fast my advice would steer clear LoveSwans altogether save yourself both money frustration later down line!

Mobile App

Ah, LoveSwans. A popular dating site that has been around for a while now and still going strong! But does it have an app? Well, the short answer is yes…and no. You see, LoveSwans doesn’t actually have its own native mobile application but they do offer access to their website through your phone’s browser so you can keep up with all of your messages on-the-go.

Now if you’re looking for something more than just using a web browser then there are other third party apps out there like Mamba or Dating which allow users to connect with singles from across the world including those who use LoveSwans as well as other sites like Badoo and Tinder etc., These apps are free to download although some may require in-app purchases depending on what features you want access too such as sending gifts or unlocking extra profile options etc., The downside here though is that these third party applications aren’t specifically designed for any one particular dating site meaning things could get confusing when trying to manage multiple accounts at once plus none of them come close replicating the full range of features available directly via desktop browsers making it difficult getting exactly what we need without having resorting back into our computers every time we want make changes or send messages etc..

So why don’t they just create their own official app already?! Who knows!? Maybe they think people prefer browsing through websites rather than downloading yet another piece software onto their phones – I mean let’s face it; most folks nowadays would much rather scroll away at social media feeds instead finding someone special right?! Or maybe creating an actual ‘Love Swann App’ requires way too many resources/time/money – whatever reason behind this decision remains unclear however until then us single folk will simply have settle down (or not) by relying solely upon our trusty old desktops whenever wanting take advantage everything this amazing service has offer…


LoveSwans is far from being a free dating site. Sure, you can create an account and browse through the profiles of other users for free but if you want to get in touch with someone, that’s gonna cost ya! And it ain’t cheap either – they charge quite a bit more than their competitors.

If money isn’t an issue then sure, go ahead and pay up – there are some benefits like access to all communication tools such as chat messages or emails plus additional features like viewing photos in full size or sending gifts (if your crush likes material things). But don’t expect any discounts because LoveSwans doesn’t offer competitive prices compared to other sites out there. So unless you’re really into this particular website’s design/layout etc., I’d suggest looking elsewhere for better value for money when it comes to online dating services.

Plan Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Chat, Email, Gifts, Profile Visibility, 24/7 Support
Premium $19.99/month Chat, Email, Gifts, Profile Visibility, Video Chat, Live Chat, Advanced Search, 24/7 Support
Platinum $34.99/month Chat, Email, Gifts, Profile Visibility, Video Chat, Live Chat, Advanced Search, Priority Listing, Verified Badge, 24/7 Support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to LoveSwans include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Match.com – all popular dating sites with a variety of features that can help you find the perfect match.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Match.com

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who want to explore international dating opportunities.
  • Best for people who are serious about finding someone special and ready to commit.


1. Is loveswans worth it?

I wouldn’t say loveswans is worth it. It’s just another dating site with a lot of fake profiles and not much else to offer. Overall, I’d give it a pass – there are better options out there for sure!

2. Can you delete your loveswans account?

Yes, you can delete your loveswans account. But it’s a hassle and takes forever to do so. Plus, once you’re gone there’s no coming back!

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on loveswans?

It usually takes forever to get your profile approved on loveswans. I’ve been waiting for days and still nothing! It’s really frustrating that it takes so long – especially when you’re trying to start dating online.

4. How many users does loveswans have?

Loveswans has a lot of users, too many if you ask me. It’s overwhelming and makes it hard to find someone who is actually compatible with you. Plus, there are so many fake profiles that it’s impossible to tell what is real or not.

Richard La Ruina

Richard La Ruina is an online dating expert and author who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He began his career as a professional pick-up artist, teaching men how to attract women in bars and clubs. After mastering the art of attraction, Richard decided to use his skillset to help others with their own romantic endeavors by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps. Born in London, England, Richard attended the University of Cambridge where he studied Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence before embarking on his journey into the world of romance coaching. His passion for understanding human behavior led him down this path - one that would eventually lead him all around Europe providing advice about relationships through seminars and lectures at universities such as Oxford University or INSEAD Business School Paris Campus . In 2009 he wrote The Natural Art Of Seduction which was published by Harper Collins – becoming an international bestseller soon after its release; it’s now available in multiple languages including French , Spanish , German , Italian & Portuguese . Since then he has written several books focusing primarily on topics related to relationship dynamics between men & women but also touching upon other aspects like personal development/self improvement techniques . Additionally Richard runs PUA Training (Pick Up Artist Training) ; A company offering courses designed specifically for those looking improve their success rate when approaching potential partners either online or offline .....

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